Project Description

Bladder mucosal tumors are rare diseases. Surgery is usually the first treatment option. You radiation therapy in combination with mild chemotherapy can be used,

  • if the operation is too risky due to other serious illnesses or if you are older;
  • anesthesia cannot be recommended by anesthetists;
  • organ preservation is desired.

Various therapy concepts with different fractionation schemes with or without accompanying chemotherapy are used here.

Which documents would you ideally bring with you to our joint discussion?

  • the doctor’s letter from the institution/clinic treating you
  • the surgical report or the findings of the cystoscopy
  • the histological findings (histology)
  • the decision of the tumor conference
  • if available, MRI findings, the CT findings of the lungs (thorax) and of the abdomen, pelvis (abdomen, pelvis), the
  • Whole-body skeletal scintigraphy or PET-CT
  • the address of your urologist and general practitioner
  • your medication list
  • Your chemotherapy plan (if receiving chemotherapy)
  • Immunotherapy plan (if receiving immunotherapies)
  • If you have a pacemaker, please bring your pacemaker passport with you.

What can you do to support the success of the therapy as much as possible?

  • Please bring a shower or sauna towel with you to every radiation session.
  • Before the radiation, we will ask you to empty your bladder.
  • Move regularly in the fresh desire.
  • During radiation therapy, avoid hot full baths, sauna, solarium, direct sunlight in the area of the irradiated region.
  • Eat a varied and high-protein diet. Avoid alcohol and nicotine and discontinue all vitamin supplements during radiation therapy.
  • Avoid eating foods that are high in fiber (e.g. onions, peppers, legumes, etc.), foods that are fried or grilled, and foods that are very acidic (citrus fruits, kiwis).
  • Check your weight once a week and record it, please.
  • Accompanying side effects such as frequent urge to urinate, burning, possibly inflammation of the bladder can be effectively prevented with cranberry juice (1 small glass 3 times a day).
  • Make sure you have regular bowel movements. If you have problems (constipation such as diarrhea), please contact us.